Buy Pioneer GM-5200T 760 Watt 2-Channel Power Amplifier at Best Price
You can buy Pioneer GM-5200T 760 Watt 2-Channel Power Amplifier today at the best price and it's limited time offer. Look at our special deals today on our store. Get more and spend less when you buy Pioneer GM-5200T 760 Watt 2-Channel Power Amplifier. Also read our Pioneer GM-5200T 760 Watt 2-Channel Power Amplifier reviews before you decide to buy Pioneer GM-5200T 760 Watt 2-Channel Power Amplifier. Anything you have to know about this item, More about this
Pioneer GM-5200T 760 Watt 2-Channel Power Amplifier Reviews
Many customers was gave reviews and ratings to Pioneer GM-5200T 760 Watt 2-Channel Power Amplifier. If you want to read those detail to make your decision on this product just CLICK HERE
Pioneer GM-5200T 760 Watt 2-Channel Power Amplifier Overview:
- MOSFET PWM Power Supply
- Electronic low pass filters
- Bridgeable operation
- 2-ohm stable
- RCA input and output connections
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Pioneer GM-5200T 760 Watt 2-Channel Power Amplifier Reviews
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful ![]() By This review is from: Pioneer GM-5200T 760 Watt 2-Channel Power Amplifier (Electronics) The Amp is everything that it claims to be. I have it powering a pair of 6x9 speakers and Yes it is more amp than speak, but it works great. My Radio amp (internal) died so I bought this amp as an up grade and I could not be happier.When I installed the Amp I put in a switch between the Amp and the control source (my radio does not have a amp control wire, so I could turn off the amp when needed. The few times I've had too turn the amp on with the radio going, I have never had the amp bump the speakers. Now on to the sound: the highs are very clear, the mids are great and the amp make the speakers hit hard when turned up. But I need to mount the speaker boxes to rear of my back seat instead of sitting on the rear seats to great better bass. There is not noise, hum or any other interference but more on your installation and wiring setting than the amp. The amp does not get hot or even warm and I drive an hour each way to work, although it is winter time here... Read more |
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